Awhile back I was having dinner with a friend and we decided to get pie after our meal. Chocolate Cream Pie and it was beautiful where nothing would have you believe that each bite would not certainly melt in your mouth. The first bite…hmm, strange tasting and then one more bite! Nope, it did not melt in the mouth at all! It was missing the sugar! It was missing the sweet part.

Sugar gets a bad name and I get that and this is not about promoting eating tons of sugar…lol. Although, I still love cookies and baking them is actually peaceful to me. But if I baked them and ate them all day, sure, that would be a problem. But the sugar is important, symbolically speaking. Where is the sugar, the sweetness in your life? That is one thing that came to mind with this pie experience. The whole idea that we all have so much on our minds and regardless of what we do each day and where we go, our minds are processing one thing after another. We may be feeling complications, pressure with deadlines & work loads, family demands, situations that seem impossible and it is easy to forget the sweetness in life.
That sugar-less pie reminded me about this sweetness and to not forget that because it’s that important. Also, it reminded me to laugh and to know there are choices too. It was odd to bite into a beautiful looking pie and have this blah taste. I certainly do not wish to live and feel blah! You had to laugh at this pie experience too because it was out of character to take a bite of pie that was so blah from a place that always has the best deserts. And laughing raises our vibration so, sure, we have to laugh things right out of our way sometimes and sometimes that is all we need in a moment. The choice of options in life… to get a different piece of pie! To know that you are allowed to have a sweet life however you believe it should be and allowed to have the choices to experience opportunities of sweetness! I just love all that!
Taking the time to enjoy your life is important for your existence in everything. Not feeling that sweetness inside of self or in life somewhere is going to affect the energy you are experiencing. I am constantly reminded of this by my Guides as they help me to continue to keep that positive outlook because that continues energy moving forward and not staying in a cycle of worry & anxiety about all kinds of things that most of the time I have no control over anyway. But I do have the ability to shift my own energy into a more positive way of looking at whatever I believe I need to “get through”. Otherwise, at times, I may never get out of bed by laying there wishing this or that was different. So, making the effort inside the mind to think sweet for yourself is a very powerful thing, a very powerful energy!
Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy.”
Don’t forget to add the sugar, the sweetness in your life! Think Sweet:)
Jeanette Cannaliato



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