Breathe in life and take those breaths way inside of yourself and revive and refresh yourself and feel more alive, calm and focused. Normally most of us are breathing in to the upper part of our bodies with those tense shoulders and necks as I learned when practicing massage therapy. So much stress we allow into our lives that breathing can become shallow without even realizing we’re doing it. Then the life you breathe in is only really getting to a few parts of you instead of owning that breath and allowing it to flow deep within you including all of you and not just your shoulders. We all do this and especially during those challenging times. The funny thing is that actually taking the time to work on the breathing will provide relief and lower that anxiety. You could say oxygen is a drug in one way because the more you have that flow going the better you’re going to feel. Think about that vision of being outside in Mother Earth, by a lake, beautiful trees and open land where you can just breathe in that freedom. There is nothing like that and it feels good, freeing and calming.
oxygen: a colorless, odorless reactive gas, the chemical element of atomic number 8 and the life-supporting component of the air.
How we breathe is so important, relaxing and balancing. I remember being in labor with my second child and the contractions where coming really fast as of course I was being told to just keep breathing. But at one point I lost focus and held my breath. All the monitors were going off and medical staff ran in the room. Then, they put the oxygen mask on me and I will never forget how amazing that made me feel and helped me to refocus and calm down and no pill was given, just the oxygen. No wonder oxygen bars were created…
Take a few moments to step away from whatever you’re doing and focus on taking some deep breaths as this will take that stress down. Just give it a chance. Our whole body needs this flow and maybe that’s the way to look at it, flow. Allow the breath, the life, that energy, to flow all through you and not just the quick breaths that are not really reaching far into the diaphragm. When you take vocal lessons breath is so important to be able to get those sounds out from deep with. Take a tip from the vocal lessons and practice that breathing deep into that diaphragm. Do you sing in your car? Of course you do! Well, there you go, a good time to practice that deep breathing before you belt out the best part of the song! You’re a star!!! Breathe in that Life!
Have a flowing day!
Jeanette Cannaliato